Amanda has had a passion for natural healing for as long as she can remember. Fascinated with herbs, essential oils and crystals for healing remedies. In 2010 she completed her Reiki Master and in 2014 completed her training and certification in Massage Therapy. Wanting to dive deeper into other healing modalities she completed an apprenticeship in Peruvian Shamanism and Seraphim Blueprint energy healing. Amanda has also traveled to India and studied meditation, learning how our inner work can transform our lives.
All of Amanda’s sessions are intuitively guided. Shamanic energy sessions are for those individuals that are wanting to experience spiritual, emotional and physical healing at an energetic level. Everything is energy and understanding how healing works at an energetic level is truly empowering! Amanda helps guide individuals through personal transformation, shifting one’s consciousness for higher states of inner knowing, peace, happiness, and abundance. Reconnecting to one’s inner truth and sacred knowledge.
“My passion is to help others become aligned with their inner truth and authenticity!”
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